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2006 Kathy Jaffe Challenge
2006 Kathy Jaffe Challenge

Thanks to Laurie, Mike, and Cari we have six or seven hundred images of the 2006 Kathy Jaffe contest. You'll find them grouped as follows:

The Competitors

We had forty-eight pilots register, including nine in Primary. So much for an underutilized category! Most of them are shown here photographed with their planes.


Contest Wrap-up

At 3pm Sunday we made the awards. Weather was beautiful throughout the Northeast and all departed safely for home. Here are the complete results. Read accounts of the five category contests.


The Heat is On

Our 10am start on Sunday gives us only four hours to fly forty-eight pilots. Can we get a pilot through the box every five minutes? The Intermediate through Unlimited pilots will be flying unknowns. Unlikely. We try. Weather will not be a factor today. The entire Northeast and Mid-Atlantic will have few clouds for days. The only significant weather factor is heat, which is forecast to peak at 95F.


Everyone Flies

Saturday morning fog delayed start of contest. By 10am we had started flying our nine Primary and sixteen Sportsman pilots. Overall, forty-eight pilots have registered. An afternoon thunderstorm brought a second delay near the end of the Intermediate free flights. Regardless, we accomplished one flight for everyone before breaking with the sun red on the horizon.


Known Flights, Beach Club Party

Friday brought great weather, early practice, and lots of new arrivals. All assembled for the 2pm briefing. At the end of the day we had achieved the known flights for Intermediate, Advanced, and Unlimited. Evening found us at the Tiki Bar for the Beach Club party.


The 2006, 8th Annual Kathy Jaffe Challenge Kicks-Off

A cold front moved North to South across southern NY and northern NJ Thursday leaving superb flying weather at the Flying W. By evening we had severe clear with unlimited visibility. Many pilots arrived from the north and got a chance to get their tech inspections completed, read and sign the waiver, and go practice in the box.


Contest Announcement

The contest announcement page giving details about dates, times, location, contact information, hotels, and all of that other good stuff.


Site edited by Sergey Prolagayev. Site design by Tom Parsons, Douglas & Magdalen Lovell. Page update $Date: 2008/05/31 23:20:44 $